오늘 받은 메일 입니다.
www.fish.govt.nz 에는 메일을 보냈는데, 아직 안왔네요.
마리수 제한 과 장어망 제한만 있네요.
미끼 제한은 언급이 없습니다.
관련 법을 찾다가 찾지를 못해서, 이곳에 필요하신 분이 있을까 싶어서 올립니다.
Recreational fishing
The laws for recreational eel fishing are reasonably simple.
You can only take 6 eels per day, and cannot use more than one fyke net.
The minimum net mesh size allowed for fyke nets is 12mm.
There is no requirement to hold a fishing licence for recreational eel fishing.
Further information on recreational fishing laws for eels and other species are available on the
Ministry's website www.fish.govt.nz, or in brochures available from Ministry offices.