Looking for customers

Looking for customers

0 개 2,962 wondoholy

This is Rhema smash repair.

I have been looking for two customers.

One customer has got a rear bumper repair guarantee and please give me a ring.

Then I can organize a day and time for repair guarantee.

The car was Toyota Camry station wagon.

At that time before the shop shifted to 4/84 Hillside Rd Glenfield Auckland from 4/78 Diana Dr Glenfield Auckland,

I repaired the rear bumper.

The other customer is the owner of Toyota Corolla which has been repaired on frontal.

I got a part of front bumper spot lamp cover.

Please give a ring to Rhema smash repair.


My contact no is 09) 44 33 - 195.


Thanks for the support.



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