한국인 재즈밴드 (Korean Big Band) 멤버 모집

한국인 재즈밴드 (Korean Big Band) 멤버 모집

0 개 2,077 sjcho1118

 한국인 재즈밴드 (Korean Big Band) 멤버 모집



저는 랑기토토 컬리지에서 현직 음악교사로 재직중인  성준입니다(관련 경력 하기 참조).


오클랜드 한인 교민들과 재즈 빅밴드를 시작해보려 합니다.


목표는 먼저  빅밴드 (5 saxes, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, and rhythm section) 구성하는것이고 한국인 커뮤니티에 재즈 음악을 홍보하고 고등학교/대학교 이후 연주할 기회가 없는 학생들에게 기회를 주는것과  후에는 로컬 재즈클럽이나 재즈페스티벌한인 축제 등등 에서 공연기회를 가지려 합니다.


현재 필요한 악기들:


색소폰 (알토테너바리톤)



베이스 트럼본


베이스 기타/더블베이스

(기타와 드러머는 구했지만 연락주셔도 괜찮습니다!)


전공자 분들 (한국/뉴질랜드), 취미로 오랫동안 악기를 다루신분들,

음대 지망생이나 학교 재즈밴드에서 연주하고 있는 학생들 (Yr 13 at the youngest),

등등 관심 있으시면 부담 없이 연락 주세요.

클래식 전공자 분들도 환영합니다. (특히 브라스!)


 리허설 위치는 랑기토토 컬리지로 예정되어 있습니다.(구성원 위치에 따라 변경될  있습니다.)

아직은 계획 단계라  리허설 시작에는 시간이 조금 걸리겠지만 관심있는 분들이 많으면 많을수록  빠르게 준비   있을것 같습니다.




그럼 연락 기다리겠습니다^^


Dear Korean Community,

My name is Thomas Cho, and I am currently a music teacher at Rangitoto College. List of my experience will be listed at the bottom of this post for anyone that is interested.

I’ve always been quite sad about the fact that there is no Jazz Band in our Korean community, and this year (or next year) I would like to put some action into this and attempt to put together a Big Band 

My immediate goal is to put a full 17 piece Big Band together, promoting jazz in our Korean community, giving opportunities to musicians who don't get the opportunity to play anymore after leaving high school (or tertiary music education), and eventually getting performance opportunities at Jazz Clubs, Jazz Festivals, and Korean festivals etc regularly. 

If you’ve studied music (NZ or Korea), if you are an Yr 13 student interested in studying jazz or is part of a jazz band in your school and would like to continue playing after leaving school, if you are a hobby musician who’s been playing one of the jazz instruments for a long time, and etc, regardless of your age please feel free to send your interest to me without any pressure. This is still at a planning stage hence it might take some time but the more interested people I get, the faster I can plan!

Classical musicians are also welcome. (especially brass!)

Rehearsals will most likely take place at Rangitoto College (St Kents also possible depending on the location of the members) and the day has not been decided yet.

Instruments that are required at the moment (I’ve found a guitarist and a drummer already but feel free to still show your interest):

Saxophone (Alto, Tenor, Bari)



Bass Trombone


Bass Guitar/Upright Bass

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested or have any queries.

Thank you for taking your time reading this.

Kind regards,


조성준 (Thomas Cho) 관련 경력:

Bachelor of Music (Hons) in Jazz Performance

Member of Queen City Big Band (Bass and Rhythm Section Leader) (2018 - Current)

Member of St Andrews Big Band (Bass) (2011 - 2020)

Director of Sancta Maria College Big Band (2015 - 2021)

  • Gold Award at the KBB Festival (2019, 2021)

  • Gala Concert Invite at the KBB Festival (2019)

  • Best Improvisation Trophy at the KBB Festival (2021)

  • Gold Award at the Auckland Jazz Competition (2019, 2021)

  • Finals Invitee at the Auckland Jazz Competition (2019, 2021)

  • Best Big Band Trophy at the Wellington Jazz Project (2021)

Tutor of Sancta Maria College Jazz Combos (2015 - 2021)

  • Platinum Award at the Auckland Jazz Competition (2021)

  • Gold Award at the Auckland Jazz Competition (2019, 2021)

  • Finals Invitee at the Auckland Jazz Competition (2019, 2021)

  • Gold Award at the National Youth Jazz Competition (2021)

  • Dennis Huggard Trophy for the Best First Year Performance at the National Youth Jazz Competition (2021)

Co-director of Rangitoto College Big Band and Jazz Orchestra (2022)

  • Gold Award at the KBB Festival (2022)

  • Gala Concert Invite at the KBB Festival (2022)

  • Gold Award at the Auckland Jazz Competition (2022)

  • Finals Invitee and Most Outstanding Big Band Award at the Auckland Jazz Competition (2022)

  • Gold Award at the National Youth Jazz Competition (2022)

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