제 34회 한국어 능력 시험 (TOPIK) 안내_

제 34회 한국어 능력 시험 (TOPIK) 안내_

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뉴질랜드 한국교육원입니다.


뉴질랜드에서 자라난 이민자분들, 자신의 한국어 실력을 검정하고 싶으신 분들, 혹은 한국으로 돌아가


한국 기업에 취업을 준비하고 계신 한국 이민자 혹은 외국인분들 등등 올해 2014년 상반기 한국어 능력시험 TOPIK


공고 올립니다. 자세한 내용은 아래를 참조해주시고, 관련 질문사항 언제든지 연락 주시면 감사하겠습니다.







1. Testing Day/Times: April 20 (Sunday), 2014 9:30~17:30
        Test Name/ Level First Section Second Section Remarks
Vocabulary, Grammar / Writing Listening/Writing

        Standard Test of Proficiency in Korean
        Basic                 9:00~10:30(90min) 11:00~13:30(90min)
Intermediate 14:00~15:30(90min) 16:00~17:30(90min)
Advanced 9:00~10:30(90min)  11:00~13:30(90min) 

※ Be sure to arrive at the test center at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the test and confirm the testing room location according to the examinee number that you received.

2. Application period:
• From 20 January 2014 to 14 February 2014 (09:00 to 17:00)

3. Test Centers by Region
• At the Korean Education Centre in, New Zealand
            Level 7, 396 Queen St, Auckland
            Tel: 09)303-2625, 2818
• Will be announced the place of TOPIK in near future 
          Email: nzkoreaneducation@gmail.com, nzkoreanedu@gmail.com
          Homepage: www.nzkoreanedu.com

 4. Announcement of Test Results
  ◦ Date of announcement: May 30, 2014, at www.topik.or.kr
  ◦ Issuance of score report
    ∙ Eligibility: Provided to all test takers
    ∙ In the score report for S-TOPIC, the applicable final grade, score for each section (Vocabulary & Grammar, Writing, Listening, Reading), total score, average score and Pass/Fail status are indicated.

 5. Notice for Test Takers
  1) On the test day
    - You may take the test only at the test center selected upon registration.
    - You must bring your test voucher on the test day.
    - Please bring ID, pens, pencils, and erasers to complete the subjective questions on the test.
      * The test administrator will provide one Computer Sign Pen to each test taker.

  2) Before the test
  - Test takers must enter their designated testing room at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the test.             

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