대상포진 예방접종.

대상포진 예방접종.

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집안에 30대중반 가족이 대상포진으로 너무 힘들어 하네요. 그바람에 놀래서 예방접종을 알아봤더니 200불이라 하네요.제가 다니는 개인 병원에도 직접 문의했는데 200불.. 인터넷 상에도 200불이라 하고.. 더 저렴한곳이 있는지는 모르겠어요.


The vaccine is approved for use in New Zealand but is not publicly funded. You can get a shingles vaccine through your GP for a cost of about $200. If you are in the 50 to 60 age bracket, you may feel that your chances of getting the disease are low enough to take the risk without getting vaccinated.





그런데 4월1일부터 연금 수령자는 2018년 4월 부터 2020년 3월까지 65세이상부터 80세까지는 무료접종을 시작 한다고 합니다. 

참고하시라 올렸구요  다른 사항이 있으면 수정 부탁드립니다. 


Older Kiwis can avoid shingles for free, following PHARMAC's announcement it will fully fund vaccines for pensioners.

From April 1, 2018, the shingles vaccine Zostavax will be freely available for 65-year-olds. 

A catch-up programme for people aged 66-80 will run until March 2020. 

Shingles is a painful and debilitating infection that affects one in three New Zealanders.

It's caused by the same virus as chickenpox (varicella-zoster), meaning anyone who has had chickenpox risks developing shingles, but older people are most at risk.

PHARMAC operations director Sarah Fitt says the free vaccine will make a big difference to people in their 60s and older.

"Shingles can occur in people at any age, but older people are the most affected, and complications can be more serious and require admission to hospital," says Ms Fitt.

"While most cases of shingles can be managed at home, these attacks can sometimes lead to other serious health complications. Some people may continue to experience pain for months or years after an initial shingles attack."

Ms Fitt says the vaccine will provide "many flow-on benefits to families and whānau".

Zostavax will be available from general practices from April. Those eligible can also receive their free influenza vaccines at the same time, if they wish.


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