Matsu Sushi
Matsu Sushi owner has contacted a person (age 20) trying to open a new shop in upcoming Westgate which they thought it was Westfield.
Westgate is constructing New 11 zoned shopping town centre.
Matsu sushi owner has asked man to try open a shop there.
The man has been working for 3 weeks without pay trying to open Matsu sushi shop in Westgate.
The owner of the shop complains everytime the dealer doesnt pick up his phone or reply.
Finally he got the Lease condition form and has taken it to Matsu owner.
Suddenly takes the paper and hasnt paid for transport, time, prices he spent
Man has asked for $3,500 but suddenly reject and said I dont want to open a shop.
Few days later contact his lawyer to open a shop after getting all the information and Lease form.
This owner has in past paid under minimum wage and in cash job which is a not good restaurant.
This shops are located as follows
- Lynn Mall
- Metro food court
- Vinyard quarter
Please be careful don't trust this man 100% as he only goes for what he can gain but not give.