오늘 밤 7시30분 타카푸나 Pump house에서 뉴질랜드에서 활발히 활동중인 장문영 소프라노의 고품격 연주를 키위 현악기 콰르텟 ARCUS 팀과 함께 풍성한 클래식 라이브로 선보입니다!
2020 Seeport concert, with ASO
2019 McCormick opera award, winner
2018 Mainly Mozart <The shade> guest
2018 Autumn Soiree <Auckland opera studio>
2017 2nd place in 2017 New Zealand Aria Competition
2012 17th HANEUM MUSIC COMPETITION (Korea), win the second prize
2011 1ST Catholic MUSICA SACRA NOVA COMPETITION (Korea), be awarded Silver a prize
2011 OSAKA INTERNATIONAL CONCOURS (Japan), win the third prize
2010 MUSIC EDUCATION NEWS CONCOURS (Korea), win the second prize
2010 The prize of Korea traditional poem/ Guest performance
2012 Lauretta Roll in Opera <Gianni Schicchi> Seoul art center
2009 Complete from Kookmin University in Korea
Master degree of vocal music
2011 Graduate from Kookmin University in Korea
Bachelor of Classic music majoring vocal music
티켓 구매는 아래 링크에서 가능합니다.