Littlemore - 도움이 필요한 아기들을 돕는 비영리단체

Littlemore - 도움이 필요한 아기들을 돕는 비영리단체

0 개 2,289 BryanKang


Grey Lynn, Auckland

Storage King Grey Lynn
300 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn – Auckland 1021

Donation Drop off Days/Times:

Wed, Thur & Fri 9am – 5pm
Sat 9 – 10am (excl. public holiday weekends)

We prefer that you drop off donated goods on a Saturday 9 – 10am as first choice, so our volunteers can process these items and share with families straightaway.

Wairau Valley, Auckland

Storage King Takapuna
19 Hillside Road, Wairau Valley – Auckland 0627

Donation Drop off Days/Times:

Wed, Thur & Fri 9am – 5pm
Sat 9 – 10am (excl. public holiday weekends)

We prefer that you drop off donated goods on a Saturday 9-10am in Grey Lynn as first choice, so our volunteers can process these items and share with families straightaway.

Postal Address

You can post donated goods to:

C/- Storage King Grey Lynn,
300 Richmond Road,
Grey Lynn,
Auckland – 1021

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