인체 뇌에 대한 많은 궁금함에 대해 이해하기 쉽게 사진과 영상을 통하여 설명 하며
최근 학술적으로 뇌에 대한 연구 어데까지 근접 하였는가 와 미래에 대해서함께 알아보면서
뇌에 대한 질환과 예방등에 대한 쎄미나를 개최 합니다
많은 college 학생들의 참여를 바라며 이기회를 통하여 많은 인체 과학에 도전 해보는 뜻있는 동기 부여의 기회를
주고자 하는 자리입니다 참석 하고자 하는 분은 다음 싸이트에 등록 해주시기 바랍니다
강사 : 신태환 하버드 학생
일시: 오전 10시 07(토요일), 06, 2014
장소 :675 Dominion road Balmoral All nations church of nazaren
Hello, my name is Taehwan Shin and I am currently a rising senior (4th year) at Harvard College, majoring in Neurobiology with minor in global health policy. I am currently back in New Zealand for vacation and I thought I would share my interest and some of what I have learnt through a presentation.
On Saturday (June 7th) 10am at the All Nations Church located on 675 Dominion Road, I will be holding a talk about the brain to give an introductory picture of what it is made of, what can go wrong, and what are some recent findings in the field of neurobiology.
This is aimed at people with little to no background knowledge about the brain, so it will be very picture, illustration, and video oriented, though I hope the focus on recent findings and experiments will have something for people who are already more familiar with the brain.
I will also cover a little about my work at Harvard
There will be time for questions and conversation so come along!
Please RSVP using the following link: