Last Exile -Fam the Silver Wing- Premiere freebies!!

Last Exile -Fam the Silver Wing- Premiere freebies!!

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I would like to invite you to the NZ Premier of "Last Exile - Fam, the Silver Wing" on 26th of September. Overload Committee has teamed up with Madman Entertainment and Media Design School to make a special event to celebrate Overload 2013 (NZ Comic & Manga Convention). 
For one night only we will be screening the first two episodes of Japan's leading anime production company GONZO's widely appreciated sequel to Last Exile, after which there will be a Q&A session with concept artist Range Murata
There will be Overload exhibitors, artists and other sponsors. It will be a fun event which will also let us get to know each other!
Are you interested in in nabbing a seat to this exclusive event, please RSVP via email to with your name and contact details to secure a spot. One seat per person, first in first served
오는 9월 26일 Overload와 Madman Entertainment 그리고 Media Design School가 스페셜 이벤트를 준비했습니다.
단 하루 일본 유명 애니메이션 회사 GONZO의 애니메이션 Last Exile의 에피소드 두편 상영과 Last Exile의 아티스트 렌게 무라타씨의 Q&A 시간이 있을 예정입니다.
관심이 있으신 분들은 이름과 연락처를 로 보내주시기 바라며 일인당 한자리임을 말씀드립니다.
이 상영의 무료입니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
Screening Date: 26th September 2013 
Time: 6 – 8:30pm

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