학교 청소 입찰 공고가 떳네요

학교 청소 입찰 공고가 떳네요

0 개 3,860 항상행복하세요

학교 청소 입찰 공고가 떳네요.

관심 있는 분들은 잘 준비해서 입찰 서류 넣어 보세요.
동쪽 멕클린스 칼리지이네요


Closing Date: Wed 30/07/2014 - 03:00 pm
Tendering Firm: Ministry of Education - (Regional)
E-Docs / E-Specs: Click here for documents or further information  Download.gif
E-Tender Box: Availability Unknown
Supplier Consortium: View Companies Interested in Forming a Consortium
Supplier Assistance: Help in Preparing Documentation

Contact Details:

Expression of Interest to include company profile and previous experience of contracting to large organisations.

Tender Details:


A full cleaning contract due for renewal September 2014 for a secondary school in Auckland of 2,500 students, covering approx. 18,000m2 of building areas. 

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