Free workshop about IRD and money management

Free workshop about IRD and money management

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IRD workshop and Money Management Seminar - Free work shop 

Find out about

1. The NZ tax system

2. What to do when you start working

3. Working for Families tax credits

4. The NZ banks and lending institutions

5. How to better manage your money

Presenters: Cheryl Chetty & Adbul Rafik (Inland Revenue Department)

                 Claudette Wilson (North Harbour Budgeting Services)


You can choose one of the two free sessions

1. Date and Time : Friday 24th April 2015, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

   Place : Northcote Senior Citizens Hall, Cnr Ernie Mays St & College Rd. Northcote

   Tea : Morning tea provided

2. Date and Time : Wednesday 29th April 2015, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

   Place: Albany House, 575 Albany Highway, Albany.

   Lunch - light lunch provided


To register: Please call to Lesley (09) 486 3139, or email to


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