뉴질랜드 한인 양봉협회에서 알려드립니다.

뉴질랜드 한인 양봉협회에서 알려드립니다.

0 개 4,959 한인양봉모임

 Auckland Beekeepers Club에서  양봉초보자,취미양봉을 위한 교육이 있습니다.

관심있으신분의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. (021-315-701)

11th March (11am~ )
Honey show and DVD screening and filed day

Topics for the day:

  • Storing supers (wets)
  • Wax rendering
  • Varroa monitoring
  • Signs of weak/strong hive and what to do!
  • Pests - wasps

장소: 유니텍 캠퍼스 



Use entrance 2 from Carrington Road (it is clearly signposted). Enter the apiary through the gates beside the pedestrian crossing just past the Mason Clinic. Parking is available on the grass by the apiary. In winter it may be too boggy to park on the grass so you will need to park on the roadside and walk in.

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