뉴질랜드의 정치, 사회 이슈에 관한 신문 기사를 키위 선생님이 여러가지 다른 표현들로 설명해 주십니다.
뉴질랜드에서 살아가면서 알아야 할 시사 상식과, 현지인에게서만 들을 수 있는 재미있는 표현들을 함께 배울 수 있습니다.
장소: 한인회관 2층 (5 Argus Pl, Hillcrest)
시간: 매주 목요일 10:30~12:00
비용: 무료 (골드코인 도네이션)
문의: 021 111 3552
(화요일 10:00~11:30 766 Sandringham Rd. Mt. Roskill
금요일 10:00~11:30 18 Allright Pl. Mt. Wellington)
2월 15일 수업 내용 맛보기
The toll in the airplane crash was 100 deaths. =total
He paid a toll on the highway. =fee
Looking after 6 children took its toll on her. =made her very tired
He sought a good job in IT. =looked for
He has cut smoking. =reduce
Daily commuters complain about the traffic jams. =daily travel to/from work
He commutes to work every day.
The governor commuted his death sentence. =pardoned him (감형하다)
The gridlock caused a long delay. =traffic jams, congestion
Violence has escalated. =increased
The high cost of living has become a thorny issue. =major, controversial problem
This morning’s agenda includes talking about taxes. =topic
He has a personal agenda. =personal problem (negative)
He’s grappling with the English language =trying to understand
The fisherman grappled the fish. =hooked
He revealed his holiday plans. =explained/showed
let the cat out of the bag =revealed a secret by mistake
The passengers braced themselves for the crash. =prepared themselves
He shot a brace of ducks. =two
During peak hour, traffic is absolutely terrible. =the busiest time
He is at the peak of his career. =the highest point
He peeked out the door. =looked carefully (secretly)
His English skills were short-lived when he returned to Korea. =didn’t last long, temporarily
In the face of high rents, many people have moved to other cities. =because of, as a result of
He got in my face. =up close (negative)
He paid a hefty price for his new car. = very large
He paid a hefty price for cheating on his wife. =severe consequences (emotional)
He mooted the idea of New York for a holiday. =proposed