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9월 15일 수업할 내용
Younggambling with privacy
ByMathew Dearnaley 5:30 AM Tuesday Sep 15,2015
Young Kiwis areallegedly gambling with their privacy for a perpetual online life, says aglobalINTERNET SECURITY company.
The company, Norton,says aSURVEY it has sponsored of 1000 New Zealanders showed those under 35were far more likely to take risks with what they put online than their lesscomputer-savvy elders.
Those in the youngerbracket - nicknamed "millennials" - comprised 35PER cent of poll participants.
"Up to a thirdstill engaged in risky online behaviours despite being immersed in online technologymost of their lives," Pacific region manager Mark Gorrie said of thesurvey results, out today.
"They are savvywith social media and are always connected, sharing more online informationthan any other age group.
"However,millennials are also the generation most willing to gamble their privacy andsecurity in exchange for a life online."
His company'sSURVEY found12PER centin the younger group admitting to sharing online virtually everything in theirdaily lives. That compared with just 1 per cent of people aged over 55.
But although 59 per cent of millennials acknowledgedusing social media sites with low privacy settings, the company says its surveyproved that life online had "real-world" consequences.
That dose of reality often came from the workplace, as 12per cent of the younger group admitted receiving warnings from their employersabout content they had posted on the internet.
Mr Gorrie said "an alarming" 31 per centbelieved they needed a break from social media.
Neither had there been any let-up in an increase incybercrime, as indicated by 65 per cent of younger respondents admitting beingstung byCOMPUTER VIRUSES, 27 percent by phishing scams, 8 per cent by online identity theft and 5 per cent byransom-ware attacks.
Even so, 54 per cent claimed they could not last morethan a day without checking their onlineSOCIAL NETWORKS, comparedwith 34 per cent of participants aged over 55.
The company - a leading supplier ofCOMPUTER SECURITY softwareand patches - found that 71 per cent of younger participants left their digitaldevices unprotected, compared with 51 per cent of the over-55 group.
Mr Gorrie said millennials were the first generation borninto an online world, which they had turned into "a fantastic platformTO LEARN, connectand interact with friends and family across geographies".
But he said theSURVEY provideda cautionary tale.
"Millennials need to be wary of the content theyshare, tweet, post and upload ... This includes turning off location settingson certain applications ..."
Top police tips
• Don't post your address, phone number or other personalinformation you don't want everyone to know
•READ throughprivacy options carefully and make sure you thoroughly understand your rights
• Set yourPROFILE to"private" so only the people you want to see it can do so.
• Send "friend" invitations to or accept offersfrom only people you know.
5:00 AM Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
The first of fourNEW Auckland Catholic schools is near completion.
Monte Cecilia CatholicSchool principal Michele Mill said that after more than a century on itsHillsborough site, the school would move to a new site and new buildings nextyear.
Auckland Councilbought land from the Catholic Church for Monte CeciliaPARK.
The existing school isnear the historic Pah Homestead.
ASCARCHITECTS designed all five new buildings.
"From 2016, wewill be located further along Hillsborough Rd and onsite with our Parish, StJohn Vianney. On the new site, we will be housed in a state of the art, beautiful,brand new, modern school building," Mill said.
Project architectShannon Jeory said ASC had been involved with the replacement school since2011.
The new buildings aredesigned to achieved a Green Star rating if one is applied for, Jeory said.
"They have beendesigned to achieve passiveVENTILATION, so they won't haveairconditioning.
"They will have gooddaylight levels and rainwater can be harvested. We've designed a productivegarden area for vegetables and fruit trees," she said.
The three other newAuckland Catholic schools are at Drury, Riverhead and Takanini.