뉴질랜드에 거주하고 계시는 모든 동포 여러분 안녕하세요!
19기 민주평화통일 뉴질랜드협의회가 오는 2월22일 토요일 오후3시 김진향 개성공업지구지원재단 이사장을 모시고 오클랜드 대학에서 "행복한 평화, 너무 쉬운 통일"이라는 제목의 강연회를 개최합니다.
약 30분의 질의응답 시간을 포함, 총 150분에 걸쳐 진행될 이 강연회는 참석을 원하는 모든 한인 동포에게 열려있는 무료 행사입니다.
날마다 작은 통일이 이루어지는 기적의 공간인 개성공단의 이야기와 남북이 함께 할 수 있는 미래에 대한 이야기를 생동감 있게 전할 이 강연회에 많은 참석바랍니다!
부모님과... 아이들과... 친구들과... 동료들과...
함께 오셔서 듣고 생각하고 꿈꾸는 시간 되기를 기대합니다.
강연회 신청서 링크 - https://forms.gle/qEbAeC27X8SHm6K59
*게시물 공유 등을 통해 편하게 이 소식을 주위 분들에게 나누어 주세요*
New Zealand Chapter of the National Unification Advisory Council will be holding a public seminar at University of Auckland (OGGB3/260-092) on 22nd February 2020, starting 3pm!!!
Our guest speaker, Dr JinHyang Kim (PhD), is the current Chairperson of the Gaeseong Industrial District Foundation and an well-respected expert in issues relating to North Korea.
Gaesong Industrial District (also known as Gaesong Industrial Complex / Region / Zone) is a special administrative industrial region of North Korea (DPRK) which was formed in 2002 from part of the Gaesong Directly-Governed City. One of the most special characteristic of this area is its Gaesong industrial park, which operated as a collaborative economic development with South Korea (ROK). The park is located ten kilometres (six miles) north of the Korean Demilitarized Zone, an hour's drive from Seoul, with direct road and rail access to South Korea. As of April 2013, 123 South Korean companies were employing approximately 53,000 DPRK workers and 800 ROK staff.
Dr JinHyang Kim will be sharing hopeful and lively stories from Gaesong Industrial District, that will show us how little but meaningful and miraculous steps of collaboration and co-existence were being taken there daily towards peaceful reunification of two Koreas. This seminar will help to inspire you to look beyond the current geopolitical landscape, and into the future of peace, not only for two Koreas but also for the North-East Asian region and beyond.
**Please note that the seminar will be delivered in Korean language**