‘CATS OF PONSONBY’ 어린이 뮤지컬 공연

‘CATS OF PONSONBY’ 어린이 뮤지컬 공연

0 개 2,726 아자 가자

오는 4월 10일부터 18일까지 방학기간 동안 어린이 뮤지컬 공연 "Cats of Ponsonby"가 Glen Eden에 위치한 Playhouse에서 공연을 갖습니다. 아이들하고 같이가볼만한 이벤트가 아닌가 생각합니다









Story and lyrics:  RAYPROWSE


 The story


A gang of hungry stray cats wait outsidethe back door of a Ponsonby restaurant called, ‘The Tinned Trout’, hoping forscraps of food.  They are refused entrybut watch in anger and frustration as three well-fed Burmese house cats are invitedinside to be fed.


The Alley Cats kidnap the BurmeseKitten and for the ransom, they demand that her stepsisters steal food for themfrom the restaurant.


All goes well until the Media (led byKitten’s boyfriend) think they are “on to something” and Kitten falls in lovewith Tiger.


Matters are further complicated whenthe Chef wrongly accuses Big Tom and his Gang of Thugs of stealing the food.


The Thugs suspect the Media, the Mediasuspect the Alley Cats and the Alley Cats decide to go into hiding with allspeed until the matter is forgotten - all except Tiger that is.  He stays behind to say goodbye to Kitten - tohis cost!


He is caught and attacked by the Mediawho are in turn attacked by the Thugs.


A terrible cat fight takes place.


However all’s well that ends well andalthough the situation in Ponsonby remains unchanged - it does have its momentsthough and the Cats are still hungry.





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