

2 6,869 코니아포스트

안녕하세요. 오클랜드 시티에 복싱장있나요? 

있다면 주소와 번호 가격좀 알려주시겠어요!?

체육관은 키위나 한국인 상관없어요~ 

Boxing Central : 41 Boston Road, Mount Eden (09) 377-0499

Glove Hire — $5 / Towel Hire — $2
Casual Workout — $20 per person

10 Workout Concession - $155
For those of you who want to compliment your existing exercise routine with a weekly boxing fitness class, this is the best option for you! Enjoy the best workout around for just $15.50 per session by purchasing a 10 workout concession card

Lump-Sum Membership
6 month Open - $565
6 month Full-time Student - $515
6 month School Student - $460

Membership via direct debit
6 month — $28.50 per week
12 month — $25.50 per week

인터넷으로도 가입이 되네요 http://www.boxingcentral.co.nz/about.html

cityboxing : 348 New North Road, Kingsland

OPENING HOURS : Monday - Friday 6 am to 8 pm , Saturday & Sunday only open for classes
Phone: (09) 377 6133,  Mobile: 022 157 3237 *text only

Casual - $20 per class
10 time concession - $150 (valid for 2 months)
1 month - $150 / 3 months - $300 / 6 months - $500 / 12 months - $800 / Student 6 months - $400 / Highschool students 6 months - $350
$25.00 no term (just 30 day's notice of cancellation)
$22.50 a week Direct Debit 6 month term
$20.00 a week for Tertiary Sutdents
$16.00 a week for High School Students
$13.00 a week for Intermediate and Primary School Students
$50 for 30 minutes
$60 for 45 minutes
$70 for 60 minutes


추가 : 시티에는 5개 정도 있네요. 위님께서 올려주신 거와 제가 2개 올린거 말고는 아래사이트서 참고바랍니다. 의외로 복싱장이 많이 있네요. http://aucklandgyms.co.nz/boxing/

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