학생으로써 일할수 있는 시간은 얼마나 되는지요..

학생으로써 일할수 있는 시간은 얼마나 되는지요..

4 2,908 유학생
12시까지 어학원 끝나고 일하고 싶은데
20시간밖에 못한다고도 하고
법이 바뀌엇다고도 하고 그러네요.
그리고 나중에 tax return은 몇 %나 되는지
도움말씀 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
  영어학교 풀타임은 20시간 일을 할 수 있습니다.
허나, Tax Return은 모르겠네요.
  [Working while studying]
You can work part time while studying full time, under certain circumstances:

1.to meet course requirements for practical work experience, or
2.during the Christmas and New Year holiday period if you're in a full-time course of study lasting 12 months or longer, and/or
3.for up to 20 hrs in any given week during the academic year if you're in full-time study:
  *at a private training establishment or tertiary institution and taking at least two
    academic years to complete, or 
  *culminating in a New Zealand qualification that would qualify for points under
    the Skilled Migrant Category, or 
  *at a secondary school full year course of study in years 12or 13, provided you
    have written permission from your school and written consent from your
    parent, or
  *in a full-time study course lasting at least six months, at a private training
    establishment or tertiary institution. Your visa or immigration officer has to be
    satisfied that the main purpose of your course of study is to develop English
    language skills, and, you have an International English Language Testing
    System (IELTS) overall band score of 5.0 or above (General or Academic
    Module), or
  *at a tertiary level of at least one academic year duration as part of an
    approved tertiary student exchange scheme.

Total 49,264 Posts, Now 946 Page

1 인기 Attached document
D.lee | 조회 2,075 | 2008.02.03
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1 인기 여성gp
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