뉴질랜드에서 주식 사는 법 아는분

뉴질랜드에서 주식 사는 법 아는분

2 5,869 nz배움이
뉴질랜드에서 주식 사는 방법 아시는 분?

여기에서 주식을 살려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
아시는 분 좀 가르쳐 주세요
우선 증권회사에 가서 계좌를 오픈해야합니다.
www.asbsecurities.co.nz 에 들어가 보면 자세한 설명 나옵니다.

Step 1 - Choose what type of account that best suits your needs.

Online Trading Account : Trade online DIY style. Customer service and telephone trading is also available if you need it.

Telephone Trading Account : Trade exclusively by telephone. No advice is given but full support is available.

Client Advisory Account : Deal directly with a financial advisor who can offer you financial advice & portfolio management.
Whatever account or service you decide on you'll be assigned an
ASB Cash Management Account, especially designed for you to be able to settle trades easily and keep your funds on call until you need it.

If you need to trade in overseas markets or overseas currencies, we have a Foreign Currency Account available too.


Step 2 - Complete a New Client Application Form

You can obtain an application form by:

Downloading one,
Requesting a pack to be sent to you by post or,
If you already bank with ASB, you can simply apply online through
ASB Bank's FastNet Classic
(Sign on and choose "Apply For" then "Sharetrading").
Complete the application form and post to: ASB Securities, P O Box 35, Auckland 1140


Step 3 - Receive Nofication & Begin Trading

Once your account is open and activated, you'll receive confirmation by email or post. You're now ready to begin trading.

Need Help?

For more info call us on 0800 272 732 (select option 2) between the hours of 7:00am - 6:00pm, Monday to Friday or email us at asbsecinfo@asb.co.nz
저같은 경우는 asb은행 이용자로서 인터넷뱅킹과 같이 인터넷 asb securities를 이용하고 있습니다.

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