영어좀 번역 해주세요 짧은 문장임

영어좀 번역 해주세요 짧은 문장임

10 3,055 영어 못해요
번여할 문장은 바로 이거 입니다 약간 웃길수도잇지도 모르지만 그래도 해주세요

너가 만약 신문배달을 그만 두면 나에게 그 일을 넘겨라 입니다 .

나라면 이렇게
If you are quit the job for newspaper delivery, can you hand it over to me?
이건 어떨까요..
If you are quiting the newspapaer delivery, let me replace it for you.
Hey Bro (Sis)! if you are sick of being a newspaper boy(girl), let me have yours bro (sis)!
(Beginning)  I would like to take it over, if you dont want to carry on
(slighly putting pressure on) Hey man! what's up? Are you still doing that sort of tough job? I will take care of it, give it to me...Let me know when you make decision
(later on) Hey,,man I am not always available, hand it over to me in 1 week. Ok
(Finally), Hey man,, I am waiting for ages,,,give it to me, do something else..
(If he still does not listen to you)... better change your mind and look for other jobs..
Boys,, be ambitious, look around, ...knock the door,, find girl and settile down. (ooops sorry,,
it became a song...)
(Beginning)  I would like to take it over, if you dont want to carry on
(slighly putting pressure on) Hey man! what's up? Are you still doing that sort of tough job? I will take care of it, give it to me...Let me know when you make decision
(later on) Hey,,man I am not always available, hand it over to me in 1 week. Ok
(Finally), Hey man,, I am waiting for ages,,,give it to me, do something else..
(If he still does not listen to you)... better change your mind and look for other jobs..
Boys,, be ambitious, look around, ...knock the door,, find girl and settile down. (ooops sorry,,
it became a song...)
your help
If you're quitting your newspaper delivery job, (would you) pass it on to me (please) ?

"good luck!!!"
Have a look!
In case, I wanna take your delivery thing.
야후! 바벨피쉬
간단한 번역은 야후바벨피쉬라는 사이트를 가시면 바로 번역을 혼자서 할 수 있게끔 되어 있습니다. 참고하시고 많이 이용해 보세요~ http://kr.babellfish.yahoo.com
감사합니다 여러분 good luck
그리고 바벨피쉬 제가 다 해봣는데 그거 망해야되요
너가 만약 신문배달을 그만 두면 나에게 그 일을 넘겨라
Do me a favour, please. If you quite newspaper delivery, could you shift it to me?

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