Permanent Residence on or after 21 April 2005 (2005년 4월21일 이후에 영주권 받은 경우)
If you applied for and received permanent residence after 21 April 2005 you are required to fulfil the following requirements. You are required to have:
1.Been present in New Zealand for a total of at least 1,350 days during the 5 years immediately before you make your application; and
2.Been present in New Zealand for a total of at least 240 days in each of those 5 years, with a Permanent Resident Permit issued by the New Zealand Immigration Service; and
3.Fully met any conditions imposed by the New Zealand Immigration Service in regard to your Permanent Resident Permit.
Please Note: If you can show that there are exceptional circumstances that warrant a reduction, you may be considered as long as you have a minimum presence in New Zealand of 450 days with a Permanent Resident Permit in the 20 months before you make your application.