트레이드미 오퍼관련해서~

트레이드미 오퍼관련해서~

1 2,722 JUYA
혹시 트레이드미에서 보던 중고차가 옥션이 끝나고
셀러한테 오퍼를 받았는데 오퍼를 받아들이기 전에
셀러에게 인스펙션관련 사항이나, 뷰잉을 컨택 할 수 있는 방법은 없나요?

혹시 오퍼를 accepted 하고 차량 뷰잉과 함께 변심이 생긴부분에
대해 다시 디클라인을 할 수 있나요?
If you make an offer through 'buy now' that is considered a legal sale.  If you email them directly and tell them you will buy it then you view it and you don't want it...basically your words mean nothing until you pay them.

Trademe has some power to enforce a sale if it is done through their site.  If you do the sale off-site it is just a normal sale and you and the buyer negotiate and agree.  If you say you will buy then you change your mind, not much the seller can do.  But on the other hand they could also sell it before you arrive = no money no car.

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