학생비자 파트너는 해외에서 입국 가능한가요??

학생비자 파트너는 해외에서 입국 가능한가요??

6 4,229 멜세

학생비자 파트너 입국허가 신청할 수 있다고 이민성 홈페이지에서 본 거 같은데 신청하면 허가 잘 나오나요??
영주권 시민권자 외는 들어올수 없는거 같은데요
애매한데.한번알아보시는게.더빨라요 워크비자도 들어올수잇고 그 가족들도 들어올수잇다고한러같은데 그 범위가 학생비자도 포함되는지는 모르겟습니다
Chris2009님 말씀이 맞습니다.
워크비자도 안됩니다.
영주권자와 시민권자이외에는 절대 입국불가 입니다.
전 영주권자고 남친은 워크비자인데.. 저희 결혼식때문에 9월에 한국을 가야하는데 같이 못들어오나요...?? ㅠㅠ
영주권 시민권자 파트너는 영주권 시민권 소유자와 같은 비행기 동반 입국시엔 입국 가능한걸로 압니다..

Border closures and exceptions

While a partner, dependent child or legal guardian travelling on the same flight as the New Zealand citizen or resident does not need to seek approval in advance, Immigration New Zealand recommends they use the process below to provide certainty of travel to New Zealand rather than risk being denied boarding.

Who should seek approval before travelling to New Zealand

There are a small number of additional, limited exceptions to the ban on travelling to and entering New Zealand. This applies to people who already hold a temporary New Zealand visa as well as to people who don’t have a New Zealand visa.

The following people should seek approval from INZ using the limited exceptions process:

- Partners, dependent children (aged 24 years and under) and legal guardians of New Zealand citizens and residents
- Australian citizens and permanent resident who normally live in New Zealand

- People with one of the following critical purposes in New Zealand:
>> Essential health workers
>> Other essential workers who are specifically agreed to by the New Zealand Government
Samoan and Tongan citizens making essential travel
- New Zealand-based partners and dependent children (aged 19 years and under) of a work or student visa holder who is in New Zealand
Critical humanitarian travel.

People seeking to travel to New Zealand because they meet one of these limited exceptions should first request consideration using the online exceptions request form below.

 If travel is considered likely to be justified, despite the travel ban, then they may be asked to provide further information so a special visa or variation to their current visa can be granted.

The starting point for consideration is that the New Zealand border is closed for all but critical travel, and that protecting public health in New Zealand is paramount.

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