(J) Would you mind calling me ASAP

(J) Would you mind calling me ASAP

1 2,127 전 프랙스에서 코리아
J ! 
You might know who I am, don't you ?    I am sure you will know me !  ( former Prax ..) ^^:

Sorry !  I fogot your mobile number, I am writing to make an assignment with you to discuss something about the plan on this friday afternoon or on this saturday afternoon. It would be apprciated if you send me your contact number through e-mail. (subin0801@hanmail.net )ASAP.
Then I'll ring you back to your mobile.

I guess  it is the best time on friday afternoon if you won't  work on saturday. If you work on saturday morning we'd better see about 5~6 pm on saturday afternoon to discuss something with a couple of light drinking. 

Would you send me as soon as you see this ?   

Former Praxair employee :  L      at 09:00 am on April 2   


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