면허에 대해서 아시는분 ...

면허에 대해서 아시는분 ...

1 1,764 미묘
풀 라이센스 면허로 12 인승차량 운전 하여도 되나요?
법으로 하자 없는지 알고싶네요..
여러분들의 의견이 각자 달라서 나또한 헷갈리네요.경찰에 물어 봐야 하는지..
아시는분 답글 부탁 합니다!
class 1
Class 1 – Car

A holder of a Class 1 learner, restricted or full licence can drive:

a vehicle that has a gross laden weight (GLW) or gross combined weight (GCW) of 4500 kg or less (this includes tractors and combination vehicles, but does not include motorcycles)

a moped or all-terrain vehicle

a campervan or tradesperson's vehicle with a GLW of 6000 kg or less and an on-road weight not exceeding 4500 kg.

Note: a tradeperson's vehicle means a motor vehicle that has a body designed or adapted for use principally by tradepersons to carry special-purpose trade equipment or trade goods, excluding general freight.

In addition, a holder of a full Class 1 licence can drive:

a forklift* with a GLW of 18,000 kg or less

a special-type vehicle* that runs on rollers or self-laying tracks and has a GLW of 18,000 kg or less

a special-type vehicle that runs on wheels and has a GLW of 4500 kg or less

a special-type vehicle that runs on wheels and has a GLW of more than 4500 kg but less than 18,001 kg, if driven at a speed not exceeding 30 km/h (if you want to drive at more than 30 km/h you'll need a Class 2 licence)

a tractor with a GLW of more than 4500 kg but less than 18,001, kg if driven at a speed not exceeding 30 km/h

a tractor/trailer combination of more than 4500 kg but not more than 25,000 kg, if being used in agricultural or land management operations and driven at less than 30 km/h.

이렇게 되어 있네요

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