병원에 못가고 아파 죽게되면

병원에 못가고 아파 죽게되면

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강제 퇴원조치를 당한 일이 있어 뉴질랜드 의료계 및 시민들이 발칵 뒤집힌일이 있습니다.

 상황이 이런데도  임신한 유학생이  출산 비용을 지불한다고해서  서비스를 해야 할까요?

여러분(영주권자, 시민권자)본인이나 가족이  아래글과 같은  외국인 방문자들  때문에

 의료진이 부족하여  병원에 가보지도 못하고 죽게 되어도 괞잔습니까?        


A Korean woman will be kicked out of New Zealand after being refused a student visa because she is pregnant - despite being willing to pay for her maternity care.


Sung Won Kim, 31, and her partner arrived on visitors' permits in March.


In April, she applied for a student permit which was declined because she was pregnant, Immigration Minister Jonathan Coleman said.


He said it would be different if Ms Kim already had a student visa.


"It is also simply not true that if a woman who is already studying in New Zealand on a student permit becomes pregnant they are automatically required to leave the country.


"Each case would have to be considered on its own circumstances."


It was immigration policy not to grant student permits to pregnant women because it puts "extra strain on the health system," he said.


"It does not matter whether the applicant is prepared to pay for services, New Zealand simply does not have the healthcare resources to offer maternity services to visitors," Mr Coleman said.


Ms Kim said she was "at a loss" after being told she had to leave New Zealand by June 21.


"We are prepared to pay the costs up-front. We're not expecting anything free or to receive any special treatment in New Zealand, so how can they do this to me and my baby?"


A law change in 2006 means children born in New Zealand will not obtain citizenship unless at least one of the parents is a New Zealand citizen.


The Ministry of Health estimates the average cost of an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery to be about $4000, but the amount can reach $8500 if there are complications.


The Department of Labour, which oversees immigration, said even if applicants offered to pay their own maternity costs, they still added to the demand for services.


"There may also be a question of whether the person is able to undertake the course of study on the basis of which they are applying for a visa or permit if pregnant."


Exceptions were granted for partners of New Zealand citizens or residents and, in some cases, to people applying for a work-to-residence visa or permit.


유학생이 애 가진거랑..

아파서 병원에 못가 뒈지는거랑 뭔 상관인겨??

아이스크림 많이 먹으면 우유를 많이 못먹고 뒈지는거라는 얘기야 뭐야??

뉴질랜드에서 제대로 된 의료서비스를 좀 받으려면 알아서 내돈 내고 의료보험 들어야 한다.

그래야 마음대로 진찰좀 받고 다니지 어디 쪼금 아픈걸로 무료로 검사 받으려면 두세달은 기달려야 하고

수술도 급한거 아니면 반년씩 약쳐먹고 기다려야 한다.

즉 병원에 못가 아파서 뒈지는것은 유학생이 애를 가져서 뒈지는게 아니라

내가 돈이 없어 뒈지는거다.
말 좀 곱게해라. 니가 병원못가 죽었을때 남이 '제 치료도 못받고 뒈졌어' 하면 기분 좃니? 아님 말곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
생각이 있는건지
쩌비 넌 살아가면서 뭐 배웠는지 궁금하네요

너나 잘하세요!!!

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