한국에서는 출산 혜택 다 받으실 수 있으시고,
뉴질랜드에서는 최근 1년간 무직이시면 PPL은 못 받으세요 ㅠㅠ
(거의 주당 700불 정도 됩니다)
그리고첫 1년동안 주는 *best start는 가능하고,
출산 1년 이후로는 인컴에 따라 달리 나와요!
순산하시고 조심히 다녀오세요^^
* Best Start
Best Start is a payment of $69 a week for families supporting a newborn baby. Families who qualify for Best Start can receive the payment until their baby turns 1, no matter how much they earn. If families are receiving paid parental leave payments, they cannot get the Best Start payment for the period of time they get paid parental leave in.
After the first year, families can receive Best Start payments until their child turns 3, if they earn under $96,295. The amount a family receives will depend on the family income. To continue getting the payments after a child turns 1, families will need to provide us with an estimate of their family income.