지난주 이웃(양로원)의 공터에 건축과 관련하여 방문한적이 잇는데,
내용을 모르니 다음주에 다시 방문하라 햇는데..
오늘은 아래와 같은 latter를 인편으로 보냇습나다..무슨내용이고
내가 무슨조치를 해야할지 알수가 없어 건축과 관련하여 아시는 분 조언을 받고 싶습니다.
Dilapidation Survey
To the owner of the household
In preparation for upcoming construction works at the Arvida retirement village which is neighbouring to your property
we are required to perform a dilapidation survey.
For this crucial task we are engaging a professional consultant to inspect all affected neighbouring properties that could be impacted by vibration caused by works taking place on site.
You have received this letter from us as your property falls within the scope of this dilapidation.
The process is very straightforward and usually takes between 1-2 hours to complete. The consultant will capture 360* images of the internal back walls of your property to record their current state.
The completed dilapidation survey will provide a record of damages which can be referred to in future should the work on our site impact on your property in any way.
If arvida cause any damages to your property as a result of our construction operation, we will rectify these damages at no cost
to you.
Please contact me with any queries you may have and to confirm
a date & time : Luke.