Fonterra 주식에 관해 질문드립니다

Fonterra 주식에 관해 질문드립니다

1 12,376 NZKura
Fonterra 주식을 정기적으로한 10년이상  매입하려고 계획중인데 폰테라에 대한 주식이 2종류가 있더라고요.
Fonterra shareholders와 Fonterra co operative가 있는데 혹시 보유하고 계신분중에 이두가지의 차이점이 무엇인지 어느것이 더 괜찮은지 정보좀 부탁드립니다
NZX에서 보니 Shareholders Fund와 주식으로 되있어요. 전자는 펀드에요. FCG로 분류된게 폰테라 주식이에요

Fonterra Shareholders Fund (FSF-NZ) is a New Zealand based unit trust established to be the authorized fund. The principal activity of the Fund is to acquire economic rights and issue units to investors. It allows investors in the Fund an opportunity to earn returns based on the financial performance of Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (Fonterra), New Zealand based Co-operative. Under the Trust Deed, the Fund may invest only in authorized investments, which are economic rights of Fonterra shares (Economic Rights), and issue units to investors. It may not invest directly in Fonterra shares (shares). FSF Management Company Limited is the manager of the Fund, whose objective is to manage the Fund and its property as a passive investment vehicle under the Trust Deed.

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