시티 카운실 쓰레기 수거 시스템 변경 문의합니다

시티 카운실 쓰레기 수거 시스템 변경 문의합니다

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tag 붙이는 시스템이 종료되고 rates-funded rubbish collection system으로 바뀐다고 합니다.

아래의 카운실 사이트 내용에서 

 만약 카운실 빈(80 리터)을 사용하면 제산세에  $145이 추가 된고

 카운실 빈을 사용 안하고 (econo waste ) private 회사를 이용하면 제산세에 추가 안된다는 말인가요?


How much a rates-funded rubbish service will cost

We will only charge you for the service when the rates-funded collection starts in your area. There will be a partial charge for the year, based on the size of your bin and when bin tag use stopped in your area.

To find out your partial charge:

  1. visit Find your property rates or valuation
  2. enter your property address
  3. select the 'Property rates' tab.

The standard targeted rate for rubbish collections for each household is $174.77. This is for a standard council rubbish bin size (120L capacity).

Ratepayers have the option to request either:

  • a smaller bin (80L capacity) with a lower rate of $145.24
  • a larger bin (240L capacity) with a higher rate of $290.09.

If you previously used a private waste collection company in Waitākere and North Shore, but still have an old council blue and yellow bin, you can use that. If you need a new council bin, use our online form to request a new bin.

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