백일해 예방접종 무료 인가요?

백일해 예방접종 무료 인가요?

1 1,305 늉늉이

요즘 백일해 (Whooping cough)가 유행이라고 하는데 무료 접종 자격이 어떻게 되는지 알고 싶습니다.

접종하실 분 나이는 89세 입니다. 나이가 많다고 무조건 무료는 아닌것 같기도 해서  여쭤 봅니다.  
답변 주시는 분께 미리 감사 드립니다. 

The whooping cough vaccine is free in New Zealand for:
Pregnant people
Children under 18 years old
Adults aged 45 and 65
Adults who have not had four previous tetanus doses and are eligible for a free booster at age 45
People with a dirty wound who are concerned about the wound, especially if it is deep or there is dirt in it
The whooping cough vaccine is available at: Medical or health centers, Many pharmacies, and Some schools for students in Year 7.
The whooping cough vaccine is also known as the pertussis vaccine. It protects against the bacterial infection that causes whooping cough, an infectious disease that can cause coughing and difficulty breathing.
If you need to pay for the whooping cough vaccine, it will cost between $40 and $90 depending on where you book.

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