시민권 신청 후 인터뷰 할 때 무엇을 물어보나요? 도움 주세요.

시민권 신청 후 인터뷰 할 때 무엇을 물어보나요? 도움 주세요.

2 4,991 hana
독자님들께 부탁 드립니다.
시민권 신청 후 인터뷰 하자고 연락이 왔는데요.
인터뷰 날짜는 이번 주 금요일인데요.
구체적으로 무엇, 무엇을 물어 봅니까?
하이킥님을 비록하여 많은 분들 도움 말씀 주시기 바랍니다.
시간이 없는데 댓글로 도움 주시면 고맙겠습니다.
감사합니다. 꾸벅~~~~
  *시민권 인터뷰  예상 질문*

Q>I am John Paine.
A>Hi! John. My name is (Mr./MRS            ).

Q>Nice to meet you.
A>Nice to meet you too

Q> How are you today?
A>Good! Thanks, And you?

Q> Where were you born?
A>I was born in South Korea.

Q>How old are you?
A>I am (  ) years old.

Q> Where do you live in Auckland?
A>I live in (Westgate)

Q> what is your phone number?

Q> what is your hobby?
A>I like (sports and fishing). I used to go to fishing.

Q>Which country did you come from?
A>I came from South Korea.

Q>When did you arrive in New Zealand?
A>I arrived in New Zealand (3 years) ago.

Q>How did you come to here?
A>I came to here by my car.

Q>Where did you parking you car?
A>I parked my car at Sky City.

Q>What kind of food do you like?
A>I like European style food.

Q>What kind of your car?
A>My car is (BMW).

Q>which shopping mall do you often go for fishing
A>I used to go to (Westgate) shopping mall

Q>What is emergency telephone number?

Q>Which coffee do you like?
A>I like Cappuccino.

Q>How do you think New Zealand weather
A>Summer is very good. Winter is bad.

Q>which area do you often go for fishing
A>I used to go to (Rakino and Waihenke) island.

Q> Do you have any past criminal records?
A>No. I have not. But I have some fines from my car.

Q> How many brothers and sisters do you have in Korea?
A>I have one brother and two sisters.
Q>Do you have any healthy problems?
A>No. I have not.

Q> what did you do today?
A>I dropped off my son at school.

Q>Which College is your son studying (attend) at?
A>(Auckland Grammar College)
Q>How old is your son?
A? He is(12) years old

Q> what is your son name?
A>His name is (Aron Lee).

Q> Do you study English?
A>Yes I do, I am studying in Community language course.

Q> What part of Korea do you come from?
A>I am from (Seoul), Korea.

Q>Do you have any children?
A>Yes, I have one girl, but no sun. Her name is Easter Lee. She is 10 years old.

Q> Why did you apply for New Zealand Citizenship?
A>Because I like New Zealand’s Natural environment and social system. Also, my son and wife really like the New Zealand life style.

Q> If we will give (provide) New Zealand citizenship to you, can you explain next business plan?
A>I have Business in Auckland. Also I want to make another business  in Auckland.

Q>What kind of business did you have in Korea?
A>I have factory in Korea. After I am granted New Zealand citizenship, I will sell all businesses in Korea. I will bring all capital money to New Zealand very soon.

Q>When are you going back to Korea? 
A>I am not sure. But I have to go Korea after the ceremony.

Q>what kind of did you work(are you working) in New Zealand before(now)?
A>Nothing. But I am working in Café business.

Q>How long have you been staying in New Zealand?
A>I am not sure exactly when I arrived. But I arrived in New Zealand 3years ago. 

Q> Why did you frequently go to Korea?
A>because I have a business in Korea. But after getting my citizenship, I will clear all business in Korea. I will stay in New Zealand in the future. Maybe I do not need go to Korea anymore.

Q> Do you have any relatives in New Zealand?
A>No, I have not. But I have lots of friends
Q> which area did you travel in New Zealand before?
A>I traveled all around New Zealand including south island. But South island is more beautiful than Auckland.

Q> How many stars are there on the NZ flag?
A>There are four stars on the NZ flag to make the Southern Cross

Q? Who is Prime minister?
A>Helen Clark

Q>Which party is major in New Zealand?
A>Labour party.

Q> How many Korean peoples live in New Zealand?
A>I am not sure. About 20,000.

Q> What is New Zealand‘s National Rugby team called?
A>All Blacks
Q> Do you have any questions about your case?
A>Yes, I have one. I want to receive New Zealand Citizenship as soon as possible. Can you quickly processing my case?

Thanks for interview today.

Keep in touch. Bye Bye!! 

  정말 이렇게 많이 물어보나요... 어느분이 그러시던데... 뉴질랜드 와서 일년이상 학교다닌 서류 첨부하면 인터뷰 안하고 넘어간다고 하던데..  정말 인가요..? 혹시 아시는분
리플 부탁드려요 ~~^^*

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