신사업비자 발췌(이민성) 참고 바람(06/nov/2009)

신사업비자 발췌(이민성) 참고 바람(06/nov/2009)

0 개 2,157 kool
Entrepreneur Plus Category
BL1 Objective
The objective of the Entrepreneur Plus Category is to attract migrants who can demonstrate they have been actively participating in business and contributing to New Zealand's economic development.
BL2 Summary of requirements
a. For an application under the Entrepreneur Plus Category to be approved:
i the principal applicant and family members included in the application must meet health and character requirements (see A4 and A5); and
ii the principal applicant must hold a Long Term Business Permit; and
iii the principal applicant and family members over 16 years must meet minimum English language requirements (see BL4); and
iv the principal applicant must transfer NZ$0.5 million to New Zealand (see BL5).
v the principal applicant must have successfully established a business in New Zealand (see BL6).

BL4 English language requirements
a. Principal applicants in the Entrepreneur Plus Category must have a minimum overall band score of IELTS 4 for English language ability (see BF2).
b. Any partner or dependent children aged 16 years and over who are included in the application must meet the minimum standard of English above or pre-purchase ESOL tuition (see BF1.1).
BL6.5.10 Full-time employment
For the purpose of this policy, full-time employment is considered to be at least 30 hours of work per week.
iv. creating employment for a New Zealand citizen or resident

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