노동부 이멜 내용좀 번역부탁드려요 ~!

노동부 이멜 내용좀 번역부탁드려요 ~!

1 2,263 깍아줘
아래 내용 번역좀 부탁드립니다.

학생비자 신청중으로, 승인을 기다리고 있던중 이민성으로 부터 받은 이멜인데요,
가족들이 오픈퍼밋과 학생비자나오길 기다리다(아버지인 제 비자가 아직도 승인이 않되었거든요)
한국에 볼일이 있어서, 급하게 비자신청을 철회하고 여권을 돌려받았습니다.
그런데, 임시비자를 붙여서 보내주겠다던 이민성 직원이 실수로 비자를 않찍어서 보냈내요.

아래는 이민성 직원이 미안하다는 내용으로 보낸 이멜인데,(녹색부분)  제가 궁금한게 있어서 이멜을 보냈더니(검은색부분) 답변이 왔는데 내용을 잘 모르겠네요(빨간색부분-특히 they won't have the visa's to return to 부분)
다른직원이 전화상담때, 오픈워크퍼밋과 학생비자를 한국에서 받아와야한다고 해서 그게 이해않되니 설명해달라는 부분이었는데, 뭐라고 답변을 한건지 아리까리하게 답변을해서 이해가 않됩니다.

영어잘하시는 교민분 한번 번역좀 부탁드릴께요 ~~
오늘도, 미리 감사하다는 인사드립니다.  ^^

Good Morning
Thank you for your response and I would again, like to apologise for my error.
It would be more hassel free for your wife to apply for a work visa offshore however as we are unaware of when your application will be approved, they won't have the visa's to return to New Zealand until your application has been finished.
Alternatively, I will put a note on your wife's file in regards to our conversation so the border knows that the reason she does not have a visa is my error. I will also see if I can put a note in their file in regards to waiving the outward passage requirement, although, I am not sure if this is possible as it is ultimately the borders decision. You may need to buy a return ticked, however you could obtain open tickets so they do not have to be used on a certain date. You will need to show that you have outward passage (a return ticket to Korea or show that you have the funds for your family to return to Korea) with the application when they are back in New Zealand.
Again I apologise. Please feel free to contact me with anymore concerns.
Kind regards
Katy Aldcroft

Good Morning
I am sorry to hear that was your error to withdraw applications without temporary visa.
I rushed to talk to you that day about this but, I only found that you are away from the office,
and was spoken by one of your personnel that my wife and children should lodge applications again for work permit/visa
and student permit/visa only outside New Zealand(e.g South Korea) when they want to return from visiting Korea.
but, I couldn't fully understand this why they only have to make applications offshore, not here in NZ.
My plan for my family was, lodge new applications again when they come back to NZ with visitor's visa.
(for my understanding this is normal and reasonable)
could you please, explain briefly about this?
and, one more thing I'd like to know is about outward ticket when my family arrives in NZ.
if they had got temporary visa as planned, they'll need no outward tickets. isn't it?
but, now when they have no appropriate visa, do they should buy round trip tickets?
I really have to know this, because they bought one-way tickets already(returning date is 12 Mar 2010),
If they need to buy return tickets also, I have to refund that single ticket with refunds penalty,
and have to buy round trip tickets again.
I purchased only one way ticket, when I decided to get temporary visa for my family.
but, now the circumtances has changed, so I request you to give me the exact guidance, I am little bit
confused about this matter.
Kind regards

간결 하게 설명드리면 "귀하의 신청 비자가 결론되지 않은 상태에서 동반자들의

뉴질랜드 재입국 비자가 주어지지 않을 것이며 사모님 께서 뉴질랜드 를 떠나서 (해외에서)

Work Visa 를 신청 하면 보다 간편 할 것이다" 라는 내용 입니다.  사유서를 잘 작성 하셔서

밀어 보세요.

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