Visitors to New Zealand are limited to a maximum stay on a visitor's permit of nine months unless they:
iv. have lodged a first-time application for residence that has been accepted for consideration, and a decision is unlikely during the currency of their existing permit.
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New Zealand carefully plans allocation of permanent residence places. The Government's annual residence programme gives priority to skilled and business migrants and the partners of returning New Zealanders. The family capped stream (which comprises parent, adult child and sibling residence cases) is currently allocated 4,950–5500 places per year. Demand for these places currently exceeds supply.
With the exception of the Parent Retirement Category (see below), there is a current waiting time of 18–24 months for a place to become available within the cap. In practice this means that an application will usually take from 18-24 months from the time of lodgement to be allocated to a case officer for assessment.