이민성 영문 번역 부탁드려요 ~~

이민성 영문 번역 부탁드려요 ~~

2 1,834 깍아줘

조카가, 한국에서 워킹홀리데이 비자를 신청했는데 이민성에서 메일이 왔습니다.
잘 해석이 않되서 ㅜㅠ...
영어 잘하시는분 해석좀 부탁드려요 ~~   감사합니다..

아래 내용

any circumstances that may discourage the applicant from returning to their home country when any permit expires.
퍼밋이 만료되었을때  신청자가 한국으로 돌아가지 않게될 상황이 있는가?? 

사실, 해석은 저도 했는데 말내용을 잘 이해 못하겠네요 ^^

혹시몰라 전문을 카피해봅니다 ^^

We are writing with regard to your application for a working holiday visa which was accepted for consideration on 15 April, 2010.

Before we can proceed further with your application we require some additional information. Please forward the following:

Under policy E5.10 Determining whether an applicant is a 'bona fide applicant' you are required to confirm you intentions to be in New Zealand including the following;

iv      your personal circumstances , including but not limited to:

What family members you have in South Korea and New Zealand and how close a relationship you share with them.

  • What you parents do for a living.
  • the nature of any personal (Partner), financial (Loans, debts, financial contracts) employment or other commitments in the home country and New Zealand. You should provide evidence you have leave from your current employment.
  • any circumstances that may discourage the applicant from returning to their home country when any permit expires.

Please provide a written explanation stating how each of the factors mentioned above relates to your personal circumstances.

Also provide comment on what you intend to do in New Zealand?

  • Where you plan to go?
  • If you have any friends or places you wish to visit while here?
  • Whether you are travelling alone or with a friend?
  • When you plan to return to South Korea?

Also note under the South Korean Working holiday Scheme you are required to provide evidence you have funds of $4,200. Please provide evidence of this and state how you have obtained these funds.

Also confirm if you have ever overstayed in any country.

You should respond to this e-mail with in 7 days.

주말 잘보내셨으면, 내일도 좋은날 되세요 ^^

해석 바로 하셨습니다.
혹시 눌러앉을까봐서
한국에서 문제가 있어서 도망차 오는건지 등등 나중에 한국에 다시 돌아가기 싫을 만한 이유가 있는지에 대해 묻는거예요.

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