아래 임금 못받으신 분 보세요

아래 임금 못받으신 분 보세요

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서로 헐뜻지 말고 정확한 정보를 서로 공유하는 사회가 오기를 기대하며..

일단 다음의 웨사이트에 들어가세요.

Problem Solving으로 가시면 다음의 내용이 나옵니다. 그리고 PDF화일에 들어가면 해결 과정 절차가 도표로 자세히써있습니다

problem solving<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

 The best way to deal with a workplace problem is to prevent it from occurring. As employers or employees you should make sure you have the information and guidance you need, both when setting up an employment relationship and when problems arise during the course of employment.  If and when they do, you can find:

·                       information about rights and obligations

·                       guidance to resolve problems

·                       information about services available to fix problems.

Here is a flow chart of the key steps involved in resolving an employment relationship problem. [PDF 302KB] or HTML

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Who needs this information?

·                       Anyone who has a paid job or who employs other people in paid work

·                       Employers who want to know what they now have to do when there is a problem in the workplace

Employees who feel they have been treated unfairly at work or when they have been dismissed, made redundant or discriminated against


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