저는 영주권 받은지 올해로 만 3년이 지나서 한국에 계신 부모님을 초청 하려고 합니다. 한국에 계신 부모님들 연세는 한국 나이로 61세 57세 이신데 올해 초청 이민을 시작하면 내년 쯤이나 되야 영주권을 기대 할수 있을거 같은데 그럼 연금을 받을 수 있나여? 연금을 받을 수 있다면 빨리 오신다고 하시고 아니면.. 아시는 분들 답변 바랍니다.
부모초청자녀 또는 그 배우자의 인컴이 세무서연간신고액$29,897.92 이상이 되야되는군요
아래 사이트링크해놓았으니 참조바람,
Minimum income requirement
Under Parent policy, the sponsor and/or their partner must meet a minimum income requirement
to show that they can support the applicant(s), unless the sponsor obtained residence in New Zealand as a refugee, or the sponsor is aged 65 years or older.
The current minimum income figure is $29,897.92 (gross) per annum. This is based on the
unemployment benefit (married and civil union rate) plus the maximum accommodation supplement as set by the New Zealand Government. This must be met by income obtained from:
The income must be personal income. Income earned by another legal entity, such as a business
or a trust, cannot be included unless it has been paid directly to the sponsor and/or their partner in
the form of wages or drawing
===Questions and answers ====
--Whose income can be counted towards meeting the minimum income requirement?----
The income must be from the sponsor and/or their partner.
---I do not have any income, but my partner has an income over $30,000 per year. Can I
sponsor my parents if my partner has agreed to contribute towards meeting the minimum
income requirement?----
Yes. You will need to declare on the Sponsorship Form for residence in New Zealand (INZ 1024) that your partner will be contributing towards meeting the minimum income requirement and tell