영주권자 대학등록금 대출 관련 문의

영주권자 대학등록금 대출 관련 문의

3 3,073 우째쓰까이
금년부터 영주권자 대학등록금 대출제도가 변경되었나요?
영주권 승인후 2년부터라는 말들이 나오고 있어서 걱정이네요.
아시는분 알려주세요.
네 바뀌었어요..내년1월부터는 영주권 취득한지 2년 미만인 사람에겐 대출을 안해주게되었어요.

예를 들어 올해 영주권을 따고 내년부터 학교를 다니시게 되면 대출이 안되기 때문에 학비를 직접 지불하고 다니셔야 해요..단, 올해 이미 대출금으로 학교에 다니고 있는 사람은 내년에도 같은 과정 공부를 대출금 받아서 계속해서 다닐수 있어요..
내년이 아니라 벌써 바뀌었습니다. 영주권 취득 후 2년 이후에만 얼라운스 받을 수 있습니다.

근데 론은 되요.
정확히 내년 1월부터입니다..

아래 스터디링크 홈페이지 일부 내용입니다. 더 자세한 사항은 홈페이지 참조하세요

To get a Student Loan, you'll need to:

be a New Zealand citizen, permanent resident, refugee or protected person (under the Immigration Act 2009).

sign a contract with the government

be enrolled on a Tertiary Education Commission approved course. The course must be full-time (or limited full-time with our approval) or part-time and 32 weeks or longer.

From 1 January 2011, permanent residents and Australian citizens will be subject to a two-year stand-down before they can receive a Student Loan. This means that they will need to have lived in New Zealand for at least two years and be ordinarily resident in New Zealand. Permanent residents will also need to have held permanent residence for at least two years to qualify.

Some people will not need to meet the two-year requirement. This includes:


anyone who was sponsored into New Zealand by a family member who holds refugee status

people with protected person status (under the Immigration Act 2009).

Students who studied in 2010 with a Student Loan and don't yet meet the two year requirement may be able to continue to get a Student Loan until they complete their qualification or for a maximum of two years - whichever occurs first.

To continue receiving a Student Loan the student must be studying towards the same qualification that they have received a Student Loan for in 2010.

Note: The Immigration Act 2009 does not come into effect until 29 November 2010


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