요즘 CNS라는 화장품만드는 회사라고 하던데 이곳에서 UMF 마누카꿀 높은 숫자들이 나오던데 이 회사가 지난번 가짜 로얄 젤리로 걸린 로얄 디어 방계회사라고 하던데 맞는 말들이지요? 그리고 이 회사에서 나오는 UMF 마누카꿀들은 믿을 수 있는지 아시는 분들 의견 부탁드립니다. 미리 감사드립니다.
이번에 가짜 로얄 젤리 제품건을 발표하면서 Press Release에서 보면 뉴질랜드에서 유일하게 로얄 젤리를 생산하는 양봉원이 해피밸리하니라고 발표가 되더군요.
해피밸리하니에서 나는 생로얄 젤리 10그람에 소매 가격이 60불정도에 판매가 되고 있으니 진짜가 확실하네요.
The Commerce Commission도 해피밸리하니 생 로얄 젤리는 진짜임을 알고 있는 모양이네요.
안그랬으면 벌써 법원에 고발했겠지요. 양봉하는 사람이 실정도 잘 모르면 가짠가보네.
As recent as 28th September the Commerce Commission has successfully prosecuted five companies for “passing off” internationally sourced Royal Jelly in capsule form, for fresh Royal Jelly produced in New Zealand. The latest ruling being NZ Korea Health Ltd, fined $16,000 for labelling imported royal jelly as New Zealand-made.
Apart from these producers falsely using the NZ made symbol, Why is this such a big deal? In this case NZ simply is best. Producers have being falsely improving the potency of their inferior imported powdered Royal Jelly that has lower standards and active ingredients than Fresh NZ Royal Jelly.
FACT: NZ Royal Jelly has the highest levels of active ingredients 10HDA worldwide. Royal Jelly’s active ingredients ‘10HDA’ is highly sought after worldwide because of the high potency of vitamins and proteins which can give a variety of health benefits.
New Zealand’s largest royal jelly producer Happy Valley Honey has been impacted by the actions of producers passing off inferior products and is concerned that the impact on their business for some time. This practice of false label claims has cost Happy Valley Honey alone, over $200,000 in potential business annually, says Mark Harvey, General Manager, Happy Valley Honey.
‘The current issue is ‘95% of the royal jelly market is sold in capsule form, but very little if any of the Royal Jelly included in the capsules is produced in New Zealand’. It is imported predominantly from China then lyophilised (freeze dried) into powder and mixed with other ingredients’ states Mr Harvey.
Royal jelly consumed in a natural liquid state is more beneficial as when taken it can be adsorbed directly via the salivary glands into the bloodstream thus providing the benefits that royal jelly is renowned for. Capsules are digested via the gut.
New Zealand fresh royal jelly is considered to be the best in the world, producers such as Happy Valley Honey are suggesting that consumers should:
-check labels before buying
-Ask about the source of the Royal Jelly
-Stick to purchasing from NZ Producers
Not all Royal Jelly being sold in NZ is from overseas manufacturers, Happy Valley Honey are selling their fresh Royal Jelly in the jelly’s natural state and also supplies Api Health with the Royal Jelly to produce a Royal Jelly & colostrum tablet. Consumers should therefore not steer away from Royal Jelly here in NZ, but check the manufacturer’s origin first.
일개 회사인 콤비타가 무슨 뉴질랜드 건강 식품업계의 표준이 된다고 콤비타도 쓰는데 뭔 문제라니요? 중국산 로얄 젤리 원료를 쓰면서 일부 한인 업소들이 뉴질랜드산 로얄 젤리라고 속여서 파는 것이 사기니깐 법원에서 벌금형 받는 것 아닌가요? 그 사람은 예전에 UMF 꿀도 아닌 것을 UMF 꿀이라고 라벨 붙여서 사기쳐서 돈도 많이 벌었다느니 벌금 몇만불은 새발에 피라니 하던데 서로 사기치면서 돕고 살자는 이야기인가요?
이번에 온갖 미디어에 나온 The NZ Korea Health Ltd의 법원 벌금형 판결에 대한 기사에 대한 댓글들을 보면 참 한국 사람들 쪽팔려도 보통 쪽 팔린 것이 아닙니다. 아주 사기꾼 집단으로 되 버렸더군요. 사기 치면서 서로 돕고 살자는 사람들이 오죽 할까?