뉴질연금받으시는데 ?? 질문이요

뉴질연금받으시는데 ?? 질문이요

1 4,687 맘마마아

연금 받으시는데 뉴질에 체류기간이 꼭 !! 6개월 이상인가요

6개월 한국에 계시다 오셨는데 3개월만에 다시 한국으로 가심

연금 못받나요 ??

체류기간 안 채워도 병원이유로는 가능한가요 ??

If you are planning to travel for more than 26 weeks through one or more countries and have no intention of living in any of the countries you’re visiting, you may be able to receive up to 100% of your New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension payments while you’re away.

You’ll need to:
•qualify for the New Zealand Superannuation or the Veteran’s Pension in your own right and not be ‘included’ in your partner’s payments
•be ordinarily resident in New Zealand when you apply
•intend to travel overseas for more than 26 weeks
•complete an application for payment which states the country or countries in which you intend to travel.

 have no intention of living 이기 때문에 100% 지급받을수 있는 것 같습니다. work&income 참조했습니다.

좀 더 자세한 사항은 아래 링크 참조 바랍니다.


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