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자문을 구해요

3 2,378 sad..
이제 연수 온지 어느덧 5달이 다 되가는 연수생입니다.
다름이 아니라.. 얼마전 좀 어이없는 일이 생겨서 자문을 얻으려 합니다..
어느 곳이나 다름없겠지만 특히 저희 아파트는
fire alam이 자주 울리는 아파트 입니다.
4월 24일,,어김없이 그날도 시끄럽게 fire alam이 울리더군요.
2번 정도 울렸을때 소방차가 올까봐 저희는 얼른 fire alam을 떼어 버렸습니다..
2시간 후 소방대원인 듯한 한 남성이 저희 집을 찾아왔죠.
그리고 방을 보더니 떼어낸 fire alam을 보고 다시는 떼지 말라고 하고 갔습니다.
280불의 벌금을 내라고 청구서가 날라왔지 뭡니까..
이유 인 즉..fire alam을 떼었다는 것있죠..
저희는 너무 억울해서 complain을 걸어볼까 했는데
아는 지인께서 이곳에 올려 자문을 구해보라는 말에 이렇게 이곳에 글을 올리게
280불의 청구서..어떻게 해야 하나요?
complain을 걸어야 하나요?
  법적으로 설치하게 되어 있는 화재경보알람을 맘대로 떼어 냈으니 소방관리법상 불법을 저지르신거죠. 벌금은 반드시 내셔야 합니다. 하지만 일단 관할 관공서에 서면으로 진정서는 내보시길...
Fire Alarm
  참고 하십시요.

Charging for False Alarms
1 Section 47C(4) of the Fire Service Act 1975 enables the Fire Service to charge for attendance to false alarms.
2 The Fire Service is encouraging businesses to be more active in reducing false alarms so as to reduce their exposure to these charges and the associated consequences.
3 The Fire Service charge for attending avoidable false alarms is $1000 plus GST.
You will not be charged for Fire Service responses to genuine emergencies or calls made in good faith
For connection information, please contact one of our agents:

ADT Fire Monitoring (phone: 0800 238 111)
ALARMNZ Fire Monitoring (phone: 09 303 0303)
Checklist to reduce false alarms
1 Always liaise with your fire alarm agent
2 Ensure regular maintenance and testing of your fire alarm system
 3 If planning structural alteration or major works, seek advice from your fire alarm agent before commencing work
4 Where smoke detectors are fitted, do not run equipment inside that emits dust of fumes, e.g. grinding machinery or exhaust fumes
 5 Ensure smoke detectors are not fitted where smoke or steam are present inside buildings e.g. near toasters or showers
 6 Cover smoke detectors during periods of maintenance if work processes are likely to create false alarms. e.g. painting or dusting.
 7 Ensure maintenance workers or other contractors do not cut fire alarm cabling
 8 Frequently check that manual call points have intact glass
 9 Fit alarmed covers to relocate manual call points to more visible locations where malicious calls have been a problem
 Do not isolate your fire alarm system. It is there to protect you.
 Fire Alarm Systems are important in providing occupants of buildings prompt warning if a fire occurs.

Systems that are not properely installed or maintained may cause false alarms. This has a negative effect on occupants' responses to genuine alarms and as a result downgrades their effectiveness. False alarms may also mean you will receive a direct charge.

It is important therefore that false or otherwise unnecessary calls to the Fire Service are reduced.

The Fire Service has a campaign to reduce avoidable false alarms and to charge for attendance to repeat incidents of false alarms.

You need to carefully the benefits that you can achieve by reducing the false alarms generated at your premises.
  일딴 벌금을 내시고 담부터는 안울리게 새걸로 좋은걸로 설치 하세요.
만약 님이 실수한거라면 실수 하지 마시고요.

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