알고싶어요에 댓글로 설명을 쓴 적이 있는데 아직 헷갈려하시는 분들이 많아서 예시와 함께 관련기사 올려드립니다.
이미 이번 긴급 수당보조 관련하여 '장난'치는 고용주가 적지 않다는 보고가 접수되고 있다고 합니다.
Covid-19 사태가 진정이 되면 대규모 감사가 진행될 것으로 예상되니, 고용주분들은 반드시 잘 따라주시길 바랍니다.
What if I usually make more than $585.80 per week?
If you are a full time employee and usually earn more than $585.80 per week, then your employer should pay the additional amount to meet 80% of your regular weekly wage.
For example, if you work for an affected business and you normally earn $1000 per week before tax, then your employer should be paying you 80% of $1000, after deducting Kiwisaver and taxes. The $585.80 wage subsidy is to help your employer pay that amount.
Some employers that are struggling to make up the 80% minimum payment even with the wage subsidy applied are using an employee’s accrued annual leave to pay the difference. More on the rules around that here.
If the employee has no annual leave and the employer is struggling to pay beyond the wage subsidy then they should contact Work and Income for more information or help.
Employers can elect to pay more than the 80% amount if they choose. The owner of an Auckland mechanics for example has elected to pay his employees their full wage for the four-week shut-down period, but may have to reduce that to 80% if the shut-down period continues for longer.
What if I earn less than the $585 wage subsidy?
If you are a full time employee and you earn less than $585.80 gross per week, the 80% minimum payment does not apply, and you should be paid your full normal weekly wages corresponding to the amount of hours you work.
For example, if you work more than 20 hours and usually earn $500 in-hand per week, then you should continue to be paid that. Your Kiwisaver and PAYE will still be deducted as per normal.
What about for part-time employees?
The exact same rationale applies for part time employees working less than 20 hours a week, except that a $350 wage subsidy per week is applied.
What if I have multiple jobs?
According to Work and Income, if you are an employee who is employed by two or more different businesses, you can receive the wage subsidy from multiple employers.
Likewise, if one or more of your jobs is classified as self-employed, then you can apply for one or more wage subsidies as long as you meet the usual criteria. Read this if you need more information about how to apply as a freelancer or self-employed contractor.