11월 30일 시행 확정된 이민법 수정 발표됨.
장기 부족 직업군 학습을 통한 배우자 워크비자 및 자녀학비에 관련된 법으로 이를 통한 이민을 준비하거나 현재 진행중인 사람들에게는 정말 실망스러운 법 수정이라고 생각됩니다.
아래 원문을 참조 하시고 특히 Note 항목이 정말 중요하다고
U8.20.1 Dependent children of Essential Skill work visa or permit holders
a. Dependent children (see E4.1.5) of holders of work permits granted under the Essential Skills work policy (WK) after 30 November 2009 will only be granted a student permit or visa if their parent/s meet a minimum income threshold.
b. The minimum income threshold is $33,675 gross per annum and must be met and maintained wholly by the salary or wages of a parent or parents holding an Essential Skimms work permit.
c. Evidence must be provided of the Essential Skills work permit holder's current salary or wages to satify a visa or immigration officer that the applicant's parent/s meet the minimum income threshold.
d. Despite (b) above, dependent children of Essential Skills work permit holders whose parents have an application being considered under the Samoan Quota or Pacific Access Category must meet the minimum income requirements of those polocies (see S1.10.35 or S1.40.35) to be eligible for a student permit under this policy.
e. Dependent children are not required to be assessed against the Essential skills minimum income threshold if their parent/s:
1. have held any temporary work permit before 30 november 2009; and
2. have remained on a valid visa or permit from 30 November 2009 until the date of the dependent child's application under U8.10.
f. If a visa or permit application is declined under this policy and the dependent child becomes unlawful the patent's permit may be revoked.
g. If the parent/s do not maintain the minimum income threshold for the duration of their or their dependent child's permit both visas pr permits may be revoked.
Note: Where both parents hold Essential Skills work permits, their incomes may be combined to meet the minimum income threshold.
The minimum income threshold excleds employment related allowances (for example overcome, tool or uniform allowances, medical insurance, accommodation) and must be calculated on the basis of no more than 40 hours' work per week.