This vehicle has been modified for amazing driving experience.
It has new wof, new service and current rego ready to hit the road.
the vehicle has done just under 132000km and will not increase on mileage due to multiple vehicles at home.
This vehicle has been look after very well and always been taking 98 on petrol.
please see modification and repair list below and it has been professionally fitted and complied with professional mechanics.
- 4 brand new Rovelo A1 sports extra grip tyres
-Aftermarket head unit with apply car play and android play
-K04 Turbo upgrade
-Aftermarket lowering springs
- Aftermarket new front grill
- 4 x New DCT suspension
- Aftermarket boost gauage
-Aftermarket rear tail light
-Aftermarket Diffuser
- Aftermarket upgrade radiator
- 19 inch Geniune Ray's Wheel
-Changed to Golf R side mirrors
- Changed to Golf R bumper
- Stage 3 tuned by euro surgeon
- Pops and Bang tuned
- Fresh new paint most of areas of the body
- CENDE Full exhaust system including manifolds
- Motve Big brake system with bigger brake calipers
- New Bosch Battery
- Aftermarket Direct cold intake system
-Aftermarket new spark plug with coils
-New interior roof linning
-Full leather seats with electric heat seats
-replace all new windows regulator motor
- 2 Keys
- Also provide Extra stock exhaust system and stock Brake calipers and discs
Price: $15500 may negotiate with right reason
Vehicle located in Northshore