Looking for jobs near Birkenhead Glenfield

Looking for jobs near Birkenhead Glenfield

dakupu 0 1,037 2024.05.10 16:11
Hello, I'm a Japanese woman and I'm currently looking for a job that I can do on weekdays.

I am currently working as a FOH at a restaurant. Please let me know if there are any places hiring full-time kitchen hands or cleaners.

My experience in this country is as a kitchen hand, dishwasher and waiter.

My visa is valid for one year.

If you know of any places where I can work full-time for a short period of about 3 weeks, please let me know.

Tell 0291271013

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풀타임 잡 구해요!
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디자이너 구직 희망합니다.
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