English Writing & Speaking 1-1 lessons (Zoom or CBD)

English Writing & Speaking 1-1 lessons (Zoom or CBD)

0 개 1,346 OwenMcCaffrey


My name is Owen McCaffrey.  I am a postgraduate lecturer of business at Te Pukenga (EIT Queen Street).  I am interested in providing English Lessons to University students or workers in the CBD or online.  I am 41 years old and I have 14 years experience of Adult teaching experience including 9 years ESL and 5 years of Polytechnic Business Lecturing experience in Accounting, Finance, Innovation, Leadership and other business courses.  I currently lecture on the Master of Applied Management course.

In my own time I study Korean by reading and attending lessons and I also have a language teacher who I learn from 1 hour per week online.

Details of my lessons:

Duration: 1.5 hours once per week

Cost: $100 per lesson

Times available: Between 5-7pm Mon-Wed (no weekends)

Location: Either online or in a cafe in the CBD

Specialty areas: Academic writing, Assessment support (**not cheating** just Language and guidance), Conversation, IELTS/TOEIC Speaking/Writing preparation, study guidance.

I work full time so I am only able to provide 2 lessons per week.

Language exchange (ie. free 1-1 exchange Korean to English could be acceptable depending on eachother's level, shedule and goals).

Contact email: owenmccaffrey@gmail.com

Kind regards

Owen McCaffrey

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