1. Which one do you prefer, brandy or whiskey?
Brandy, Whiskey중에서 어느 것이 더 좋습니까?
Which one do you like better, mushroom or pepper sauce?
I prefer fries to mash(mashed potato).
2. Do you want me to lock the door?
문을 잠글까요?
Do you want me to wait here?
Do you want me to disappear?
3. Do you want me to get you a glass of water?
물을 한잔 가져다 드릴까요?
4. When are you going to leave for Italy?
언제 이태리로 떠나십니까?
I left my office a minute ago.
I will leave Paris for New York early in the morning.
5. How do I refill the ink in this pen?
이 펜에 잉크를 어떻게 리필하죠?
Could I have a refill? 한잔 더 주실래요?
6. How do I turn this camera on?
이 카메라를 어떻게 켭니까?
Turn off the stereo. Turn down the volume, please.
7. How do you go to work?
출근할 때 뭐타고 가십니까?
What kind of transportation do you use
to go to your office?
너무 거창하죠.. 많이 사용하는 쉬운 표현은 외워야겠죠.
8. I'll fly to New York early in the morning tomorrow.
내일 아침 일찍 뉴욕으로 비행기 타고 갈겁니다.
How was your flight?
9. Where do you think John is?
John이 어디 있다고 생각하세요?
간접의문문이라는 문법무시. 의문사+do you think의 구문
Where do you think I went?
What do you think I bought?
10. When do you think John arrived there?
John이 언제 그곳에 도착했다고 생각하세요?