영어필수표현 패턴 6과

영어필수표현 패턴 6과

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표현이 12번 반복되는 파일입니다



내용설명 오디오 강의 파일입니다







1. I'm going to get something to eat.

Do you want to come along?

먹을 것 좀 사러 갈 텐데, 따라갈래?

Do you want to come with me?


2. You must be freezing.

Would you like something warm to drink?

엄청 추우시겠어요. 따뜻한 것 마실 것 좀 드릴까요?

You must be tired. You must be bored.


3. Hot chocolate would be good.

Is it always this cold here in New York?

핫초코면 좋겠습니다. 뉴욕은 항상 이렇게 춥나요?

5 o'clock would be good(fine)

Is ipod that expensive?


4. What makes you laugh like that?

왜 그렇게 웃으세요?

Why do you laugh like that?

Don't act like that. / I don't want to do like that.


5. What made you drink so much like that last night?

지난밤에는 왜 그렇게 술을 많이 마셨어요?

What made you say so?


6. How did you know he was there?

그가 거기에 있었다는 것을 어떻게 알았어요?

be동사의 결과지향성 / I'll be there.


7. How did you know I got promoted?

내가 승진 했다는 것을 어떻게 아셨습니까?

How did you know she would be late?


8. May I ask how much you paid for it?

얼마 주셨는지 여쭤봐도 될까요?

간접의문문의 평서문 처리

May I ask how much you like it?

I paid 20 dollars for this book.


9. May I ask where you bought it?

어디서 그것을 사셨는지 여쭤 봐도 될까요?


10. May I ask how old you are?

나이를 여쭤 봐도 될까요?

May I ask your age?

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